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How to Verify a Professional's License in Irving?

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) is the primary licensing authority for professionals in Irving, and this agency licenses and regulates a broad range of professionals through 39 programs. These include electricians, air conditioning and refrigeration technicians, and boiler safety professionals. However, the licensing of plumbing professionals in Irving is handled separately by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners (TSBPE). Likewise, building and construction-related professionals are also typically required to undergo additional city-level registration with the Irving Inspections Department. You can verify the state-issued licenses of professionals in Irving by utilizing the online license search portals provided by the TDLR and the TSBPE. You can also confirm that your professional has undergone the required city-level registration by contacting the Irving Inspections Department at (972) 721-2371.

Note that if you intend to construct, erect, enlarge, alter, move, demolish or repair residential or commercial structures in Irving, you may also be required to obtain a building permit from the city's Inspections Department before doing so. You can contact this department via the phone number provided above or via email to make inquiries on whether or not your intended project will require a permit.

Texas Contractor License Search:

Do Irving Neighborhood Councils
Issue Permits?

Irving neighborhood associations are groups of residents and stakeholders in the city's various neighborhoods that organize to improve the conditions of their various areas of residence and communities at large. These associations typically do this through projects and activities that provide an avenue for their members to express their opinions and proffer advice on pressing neighborhood issues. However, these associations are not authorized to issue building and construction permits to their members or any other interested parties. You can contact the Irving Communications Department at (972) 721-7600 to get information on the neighborhood associations in your area of residence. In April 2021, it was announced that Irving would be investing $7.8 million in a collaborative project with several stakeholders, including the Las Colinas Association, to revitalize Williams Square Plaza and the iconic Mustangs of Las Colinas. Similarly, in late July 2021, the Irving City Council voted to increase the monthly rate for solid waste services in the city after receiving input from residents and other interested stakeholders.

How to File an Unfair Business
Complaint in Irving?

Residents of Irving that wish to file consumer complaints concerning unfair business practices in the city can do so by contacting the Consumer Protection Division of the Texas Attorney General's Office at (800) 621-0508. Complaints can also be filed online or by downloading and mailing a completed consumer complaint form to:

  • Office of the Attorney General
  • Consumer Protection Division
  • P.O. Box 12548
  • Austin, TX 78711-2548

It is important to note that the Consumer Protection Division of the Texas Attorney General's Office cannot serve as your lawyer, give you legal advice or opinions, or file lawsuits on your behalf. Therefore, if you wish to seek refunds or other forms of personal remedy from a business, you should also consider filing a small claims case with an appropriate Dallas County Justice of the Peace Court. Justice of the Peace Courts generally have jurisdiction over civil monetary claims that do not involve more than $20,000, and they typically handle matters speedily and in an informal setting that does not require a lawyer. Nonetheless, it is always a good idea to get proper legal advice before taking any kind of legal action. You can get referrals to qualified lawyers in Irving by utilizing the resources provided by the Dallas Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service. Note that the payment of a fee may be required for some of these services.