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How to Verify a Professional's License in Wichita Falls?

A good way to get value for money when hiring a professional is to make sure this professional is licensed by the relevant licensing agency, as licensed professionals are usually more competent. The licensing of professionals in Wichita Falls occurs at both the state and city level. At the state level, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) licenses professionals across 40 professional categories, and to verify the license of a professional regulated and licensed by the TDLR, you can utilize the TDLR easy-to-use online search portal. For occupational categories that are not licensed by the TDLR, you can contact the department at (512) 463-6599 and make inquiries on verifying the licenses of these categories of professionals. At the city level, contractors are required to register with the Wichita Falls Building Inspection Department (BID). You can verify a contractor's city registration by contacting the BID by email or at (940) 761-7459 and making an inquiry.

After verifying the licensing or registration status of the professional you want to hire, you must cross-check to ensure that all requirements for your project have been met. For example, before undertaking any building project in Wichita Falls, contractors must obtain building permits from the Wichita Falls Building Inspection Department. You can contact this Department's Building Inspector at (940) 761-8851 or by email and inquire about obtaining building permits or other similar matters.

Texas Contractor License Search:

Do Wichita Falls Neighborhood Councils
Issue Permits?

The Wichita Falls City Council performs legislative functions, crafts city ordinances, and makes policies for the city. The City Council comprises the City Mayor, five representatives each representing one of the five city districts, and one representative representing the city at large. Residents can check the City Council district map to find the boundaries of each city district and constituent neighborhoods. Residents can also explore the City Council web page for information on contacting Council Members, attending Council meetings, and influencing local government activities. The Wichita Falls City Council does not issue building permits for building projects and activities. However, it regularly makes decisions regarding construction and the development of facilities within the city. For example, in July 2021, the City Council approved the construction of a hotel and a convention center within the city. The City Council also approved a $1.5 million addition to the design, engineering, and technical budget for improving a business park within the city.

How to File an Unfair Business
Complaint in Wichita Falls?

The Office of the Attorney General (AG) of Texas handles consumer complaints from Wichita Falls. The AG Office also reviews and acts on cases of suspected fraud and other illegal activities that businesses and professionals in the city may have conducted. Residents can submit their consumer complaints with the AG Office through an online consumer complaint form. Alternatively, they can submit such complaints by mail. To submit by mail, residents need to get a consumer complaint form, which is available in English or Spanish, and mail the completed form to

  • Office of the Attorney General
  • Consumer Protection Division
  • P.O. Box 12548
  • Austin, TX 78711-2548

Mediation is often a good way for residents to resolve consumer complaints between them and a business or professional. The Texas Association of Mediators (TAM) maintains a member search portal, which interested residents can utilize to find and engage a qualified mediator that can help with initiating a mediation process. Interested residents can also contact the TAM via email to inquire about mediation processes, benefits of mediation, and locating a licensed mediator.

If an amicable settlement with the relevant business or professional fails or you prefer not to mediate, you can claim compensation for the unfair practices of this business or professional in court. Such court actions are typically initiated by filing a small claims case at the Wichita County 30th District Court. Note that you cannot claim more than $10,000 in a small claims case. Although small claims courts allow self-representation, it is generally advisable to contact an attorney for assistance with learning best court practices and strategies for presenting your case in court.